FPSE Team Attend SMASH IT! Live

FPSE Team at Smash it live

Thursday 16th of January our team spent the day in the beautiful city of Bath. The reason for their visit was to attend Smash It Live with Dr Alison Edgar MBE. The team were excited following previous company training days with Alison and have all read her brilliant book – Secrets of Successful Sales”.

The very first question we were posed with was “could this be the greatest day of your life”? They were met with Take That’s hit song “Greatest Day” to which the attendees jumped to their feet and joined in, clapping along and waving arms with Alison’s first guest – Matt Hall – a life coach, speaker and Guinness World Record holder!

This set the day’s tone. Alison soon took to the stage and soon asked ‘what are your personal goals’? The FPS Environmental team started with goal setting exercises, self-questioning, talking about Alison’s Big Balls and delving into personality traits. They all found the day incredibly helpful – the course allows individuals to structure and define their own personal journey, as a business FPS took some actions away which will benefit the whole team in terms of building relationships internally and externally. Plus they got to network with some wonderful people from other businesses also in attendance.

After a lovely lunch provided by the Apex Hotel, Bath, attendees were introduced to Ife Thomas who is a motivational speaker, and she shared her truly inspiring life story. This reminded us that we all face barriers in life but barriers can be overcome with the right mindset. Ife’s story ….wow! That then set the team up for a great afternoon with Alison and delving a little further into character colours, barriers and getting back up again when you’re knocked down!

As the day closed, the team left Bath with a refreshed perspective and feel fully armed to help make 2025 the best year yet for FPS Group.

A truly inspiring day and yes, it definitely turned out to be the greatest day!

FPSE team at Smash it live

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